Medical articles to educate and mobilise new patients

07.07.22 03:53 PM - Comment(s) - By drjithendrakumar

Attracting new patients

It is difficult for doctors to believe that online articles can mobilise new patients to them. Doctors are aware of many online platforms and service providers who bring in patients, and their services to bring your clinic or hospital name on top of the list. But articles? doctors do not know the logic of attracting new patients. This is a one time effort to attract new patients.

Power of good medical articles

Many of the doctors may not be realising the power of online articles in getting new patients. In a highly competitive hospital industry in India, being more privately run services, it is very important to attract patients online. This gives a chance to doctor to educate the patient and hence to create a sense of trust, especially for new patients. My other article ‘Google Patients‘, briefs you the patients’ behaviour on Google to look for good articles. So I feel it is good to understand how patients behave in the growing access to information.

Only 0.1% (1 in 1000) or maximum 0.5% of the doctors knows this secret, and such doctors may not be hardcore clinicians. They will be helping their friends/colleague to mobilize new patients.

I think a good example will help a doctor understand better. Let us take a case, a patient suffering from Appendicitis. Let us take 2 scenarios

Before visiting a doctor 

He will definitely not know the term ‘Appendicitis’ and he will be using keywords like ‘Pain abdomen, vomiting, fever etc. The keywords are mostly the ‘Symptoms’ that he could comprehend in his words. It will be simple English that is easily understandable.

After visiting the doctor

By this time, he would have known the probable diagnosis or differential diagnosis. Hence he will start using this as keywords in Google.

I am taking an example keyword ‘right side pain abdomen‘ and this is one of the poor keywords as this is not used in Google by a good number of people. You will see ‘0’ search for this keyword.

Now you can check out the top 3 keywords

Keywords (Top 3)  12 Months Searches Monthly Average
 Stomach Pain60,500 searches1k to 10k
Abdominal Pain27,100 searches1k to 10k
Lower abdominal pain18,100 searches1k to 10k

You visit with your Gmail account and register for AdWords. Once done, you search for keyword planner under tools. You will be able to do explore all the keywords related to your area of specialization

The image shows the patients behaviour while they look for symptoms in Google. This is a huge number and every month in the city Bengaluru alone, you are witnessing 1k to 10k searches with those keywords.

So now what? What can doctors do?

Doctors, especially after completing the PG (MS, MD, DNB or Diploma) will have sufficient free time. My piece of advice for them is to engage in drafting medical articles. Macula Healthcare can guide you with specific tools to make your article masterpiece.  We can teach you the know-how of publishing good articles on your site, provided if you have one. I bet you, over a period of time, we can even track how many patients reads this and visit you for further assistance. Just ask a simple question to your patient. How did you get to know about you? Many end up saying through Google and specifically through their articles. This will boost your involvement into drafting articles.

In the whole activity, you try to educate the patients before coming to you or even after coming to you. As the days go on, you will not have time to draft new articles, but yes you can update the same. Overall you can optimize your consultation time year on year.


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